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Tests and Measurements in the Behavioral and Social Sciences

Information about finding tests, scales, and other measurement instruments.

Using Library Databases to Identify a Test

Perform a literature search using subject-specific databases to find articles about the population, phenomena, or variables you wish to study or measure. Authors of a research study will describe a scale, test, or measure that they either used or created for their research, and some authors may include sample questions or the test in the appendix of their article. If a test is mentioned in an article, check the reference list to see its source. You can also try searching the database using the name of the test. 

When conducting a search, remember that different keywords yield different results. Try adding some of the following terms to your search string when trying to locate tests or measurements: 

  • survey, instrument, scalequestionnaire, testmeasure, measurement, assessment, inventory

Some databases also have fields or limiters that you can use to filter your search by tests and measures, such as PsycINFO, CINAHL, PTSDpubs, and ERIC.

  • PsycINFO for content in psychology, neuroscience, psychiatry, and related fields. Use the Test and measure field (see image below)
  • SocINDEX for content in the social sciences
  • Social Work Abstracts for material on social work and human services
  • PTSDpubs provides information on assessment measures related to trauma exposure. Use the Test & Measure search box in the Advanced Search.
  • CINAHL for nursing and allied health literature. There are several ways to limit your search using the Publication Type limit by selecting: Questionnaire/Scale; Research Instrument; Test/Instrument
  • ERIC for content in education; Limit your search using the Document Type: select tests/questionnaires

Use the Test and Measure Field in PsycINFO to Identify and Locate Test Instruments

  • Start in the Advanced Search and in the first search box, type your topic.
  • In the next row, type "appended" into the search box, and then change the field drop-down box to Test and Measure.
  • Click the Search button.

Adding "appended" to your search means that the results will show articles that either have the instrument included as an appendix, the items from the instrument are reported in a figure or table, or items are described in the methods section.

Here are a few other ways to search for tests using the Advanced Search in PsycINFO:

  • Type your topic in the first search box, then go to the next row and type test OR measure* OR scale OR questionnaire.
  • You can also search for a specific test by typing the name into the Test & Measure search box (below the main search boxes), and clicking the Enter button.

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