Citizen Literacy was created by Robert Detmering, Amber Willenborg, and Terri Holtze for University of Louisville Libraries CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
Before you mail your ballot or go to the polls, make an informed choice about your candidates and the issues. Review the resources and links on this page for more information.
(Right-click on a link to open in a new tab or window).
Federal legislators: See how they voted in GovTrack Voting Records.
State legislators: Minnesota Legislator Voting Records and Ratings
County office (commissioner, sheriff, attorney): Go to the county website and review county board actions and meeting information.
City and township office (mayor, city council): Go the city or township’s website and review any information available from their meetings. Local newspapers may have articles.
School board: Go to the school system’s Board of Education website and review any information available from their meetings. Local newspapers may have articles.
Judgeship: Look for an individual judge's website (especially if they are running for election), Minnesota Judicial Elections from Ballotpedia, or this information from the Minnesota Bar Association.
Full text access via ProQuest Newspapers. Most recent articles may be delayed up to 24 hours.
Full-text essays that present multiple sides of current issues.
©2024 St. Catherine University Library, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA