Try some of the actions below if you're having trouble with accessing library resources from off-campus.
This is the #1 thing to do. Read the document below and follow the instructions. After clearing the cache and cookies, close out your browser, reopen it and try logging in again.
Some access problems can be resolved by using a different browser or an incognito window. If you had trouble connecting with Chrome for example, then try Firefox (and vice versa). There seems to be an issue with Macs using Chrome or Safari off campus, so if you are using a Mac please give Firefox a try.
Internet Explorer is no longer being supported so if you're still using it, switch to another browser.
Restarting your computer allows your operating system to run on the latest updates and at its most efficient optimal level (putting your laptop or desktop computer to sleep is not restarting your computer.)
Or try completely shutting down your computer and turning it back on.
Both EZproxy and certain databases send "cookies" when you connect to them to verify, during your session, that you are an authorized user. If you see an error message related to cookies, your browser might currently be set to disallow cookies.
In Firefox:
You can also try adding to your allowed sites in your browser's cookie settings.
See also How to Enable Cookies and JavaScript from wikiHow.
If you can search a database and access articles, but sometimes images don’t display correctly, or other parts of the database look strange, perhaps JavaScript has been disabled in your browser. Check the setting in your browser. You may need to refresh/reload the page or restart your browser for the new settings to take effect.
See also How to Enable Cookies and JavaScript from wikiHow.
If you are using a pop-up blocker, temporarily disable it, and then try accessing our resources again. Some browsers block pop-up windows, and may block them by default. If your browser has the option of allowing pop-ups from some websites, add to the list of allowable sites (exceptions).
Keep in mind that even if you don't have pop-up blocking software, many toolbars automatically block pop-ups. If you are using this type of toolbar, be sure to disable pop-up blocking while you are using our site, or edit the configuration settings to allow
Personal firewalls can sometimes cause problems with EZproxy. If you use a firewall, make an exception in your firewall for If that doesn't work, try temporarily disabling the firewall.
©2024 St. Catherine University Library, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA