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One Read for Racial Justice Guide: Dear America

A guide to our One Read title, "Dear America, Notes of an Undocumented Citizen" by Jose Antonio Vargas

Looking for more context?

Looking for more context about immigration in the United States, Filipino Americans, or the history of the Philippines? These books are available through the library! Are you looking for scholarly articles on any of these topics? Try the databases below or get in touch with a librarian for more help. 

Immigration & the United States

Underground America: Narratives of Undocumented lives
The Good Immigrant: 26 writers reflect on America
American settler colonialism: A history
Border of belonging: Struggle and solidarity in mixed-status immigrant families
The new deportation delerium
Undocumented storytellers: Narrating the immigrant rights movement
We are displaced: My journey and stories from refugee girls around the world

The Filipino Diaspora: Past & Present

Pinoy poetics: A collection of autobiographical and critical essays on Filipino and Filipino American poetics
The Oxford handbook of Asian American history
Empire of care: Nursing and migration in Filipino American history
Filipino Studies

Documentaries & Video




The following websites are a few you might want to take a look at to get information on perceptions of undocumented immigrants in the U.S., demographic information, historical information, and more. Click the image to the left to be taken directly to the Pew Research Center's Facts on U.S. Immigration, 2016 report.


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