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ASL and Interpreting

A collection of resources (books, articles, websites, etc) and helpful hints to guide your research in American Sign Language, interpreting, & Deaf culture.


This guide contains a collection of resources (books, articles, websites, etc) and helpful hints to guide your research in American Sign Language, interpreting, & Deaf culture. Use it as a starting point and don't hesitate to contact me via phone, chat or email if you need additional assistance, 

~Amy Mars, ASL/Interpreting Librarian

Getting Started on Your Research

Introductions & Background Information

The SAGE Deaf Studies Encyclopedia
The American Sign Language Handshape Dictionary
Deaf Heritage: A Narrative History of Deaf America

©2024 St. Catherine University Library, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License