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A research guide for English, which includes several useful articles, books, databases, and websites for research.

Getting Started

Scanning Photos

Using Images

Using images for digital storytelling: 

1. First try to use your own images (family photos, pictures you took, etc)

2. If you don't have your own image that will work, try finding a public domain or creative commons image using the links below

3. If you can't find the right image this way, reach out for help from a librarian or your professor

4. Still can't find the right image? Search copyrighted images & make a fair use assessment or ask permission

Citing & Crediting Images and Video

Image/Video Credits: 

What (describe the image/video/etc), Who (creator/website), Where (shortened url)
Ex). photo of bunny by SimonaR,

       photo of cat from Pixabay, 

Use one of the link shorteners below:



Links to openly licensed music.

Most of this music is free to use, but you still have to give attribution in your credits!

Captioning Your Video

You can create captions for your video by using the closed captioning feature on YouTube. See the instructions for adding and editing closed captions on YouTube below:

©2024 St. Catherine University Library, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License